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Encontramos 36 resultados para o termo Made In Brazil

In Guyana, Lula talks about regional peace and tries to consolidate his role as a mediator in the Essequibo dispute
Últimas Notícias

In Guyana, Lula talks about regional peace and tries to consolidate his role as a mediator in the Essequibo dispute

On Thursday (29), President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said South America is a territory of peace, and he will personally thank the prime...

  • 02/03/2024
  • 11:04:20
  • Geral
Grande clube de futebol brasileiro encaminha contratação de equipe de CS2

Grande clube de futebol brasileiro encaminha contratação de equipe de CS2

Fundado em 2023, o time do Grêmio Esports encaminhou a contratação de uma equipe de Counter-Strike. Atualmente a organização já possui equipes

Últimas Notícias

Brazil"s new Supreme Court minister votes in favor of general repercussion in a lawsuit about employment relationship with Uber

Brazil's Supreme Court (STF, in Portuguese) Minister Flávio Dino spoke for the first time in a session of the Court after taking office.

  • 27/02/2024
  • 17:32:25
  • Geral
Bolsonaro asks for 'erasing the past' and demands amnesty for the January 8 coup plotter
Últimas Notícias

Bolsonaro asks for 'erasing the past' and demands amnesty for the January 8 coup plotter

On Sunday (25), during an act on Paulista Avenue, former President Jair Bolsonaro (Liberal Party) asked Brazil to "erase the past", a reference to...

  • 26/02/2024
  • 18:24:11
  • Geral
Evangelical leaders praise Lula
Últimas Notícias

Evangelical leaders praise Lula"s statement and say there is no contradiction in being a believer and criticizing Israel

President's Lula statement that caused a diplomatic crisis with Israel was praised by evangelical leaders heard by Brasil de Fato.

  • 23/02/2024
  • 17:51:48
  • Geral
Últimas Notícias

Brazil"s Federal Police say data "prove" that Bolsonaro edited coupist judicial minutes and sent money to the US

Data gathered by Brazil's Federal Police and sent in a report to the country's Supreme Court allegedly prove that former President Jair Bolsonaro...

  • 17/02/2024
  • 11:46:04
  • Geral
How do monsters live? A panorama of the far right

How do monsters live? A panorama of the far right

When Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva won the 2022 Brazilian presidential elections, a kind of collective relief took not only Brazil, but also Latin...

Mercosur and EU: understand why the agreement wasn
Mercosur and EU

Mercosur and EU: understand why the agreement wasn

At the end of 2023, the Mercosur and European Union agreement, which had been discussed for over twenty years, stopped again. The Brazilian...

  • 16/01/2024
  • 10:20:22
  • Geral
Expert warns about risk of using espionage programs in Brazil
Últimas Notícias

Expert warns about risk of using espionage programs in Brazil

Revealed in 2023, the scandal involving the Brazilian Intelligence Agency's (Abin, in Portuguese) use of the espionage software First Mile to...

  • 10/01/2024
  • 17:37:37
  • Geral
From slavery to paradise: Indigenous people reforest the Amazon
Últimas Notícias

From slavery to paradise: Indigenous people reforest the Amazon"s deforestation arc

Not even the intense sun of the Amazon prevents Marcelino Apurinã, 73, from making daily inspections in his Agroflorestal System (SAF, in...

  • 02/01/2024
  • 12:21:30
  • Geral
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